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A Systems Analysis Approach to Reduce Plastic Waste in Indonesian Societies (PISCES)



A Systems Analysis Approach to Reduce Plastic Waste in Indonesian Societies (PISCES) funded by UK Research and Innovation - Global Challenges Research Fund (UKRI- GCRF) aims to create ‘hope spots’ in Indonesia’s battle against plastic waste with the help of an international multi-disciplinary team, has Multiple Work Packages. The aim of the work package for SMARTS@AIT is to estimate economic 'costs' and 'benefits' for municipalities mainly focusing on drainage systems and the impact of plastic debris on their productivity & damage to the engineered infrastructures in cities (e.g. engineered storm water and sewerage drainage systems). To identify the chain of actors addressing plastic impacts through alternative instruments viz. regulatory, incentive based, non-economic, etc. including links to social and cultural issues.  To determine the economic cost burden through valuation of total welfare loss using a production function approach.


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